Setting Up a Business in SEZ
Investors wanting to locate in the Thilawa SEZ need to set up a new business (i.e. a new company incorporation) at the One Stop Service Center of Thilawa SEZ because the incentives and previleges that a business in the SEZ may be different from those outside the SEZ.
However, investors need to go through the following process in sequence.
- Reserve the land with the Developer (i.e. Myanmar Japan Thilawa Development Co., Ltd. - MJTD)
- Apply for investment approval to the Regulator (i.e. Thilawa SEZ Management Committee)
- Get the new company incorporated at the One Stop Service Center of the Thilawa SEZ. The incorporation of a new company takes only 1 day; however, the proposed company shall be incorporated only after the investment is approved.
- After the investment approval and the company incorporation is done, investors need to go thorugh additional process for the application of Environmental Conservation and Protection Plan (ECPP), building permit, fire safety certificate, etc.
Regarding the above application process, please see the section "Application Procedures" and the sections that specifically covers each procedure.