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Posted: 2020-06-30
သီလဝါအထူးစီးပြားေရးဇုန္စီမံခန႔္ခြဲမႈေကာ္မတီမွဂ်ိဳက္ကာကြၽမ္းက်င္ပညာရွင္အဖြဲ႕၏နည္းပညာကူညီမႈျဖင့္ ဇုန္ဘီအပိုင္း၁၊၂၊၃ႏွင့္၄ရွိ စီမံကိန္းေၾကာင့္ထိခိုက္ခံရေသာ အိမ္ေထာင္စုမ်ားထဲမွ...

Posted: 2020-06-30
With the technical assistance of JICA Expert Team (JET), TSMC has conducted quarterly vulnerable people program (VPP) monitoring and provided rice and cooking oils to total 96...

Posted: 2020-06-04

Posted: 2020-06-04
With the technical assistance of JICA Expert Team (JET), TSMC has been provided rice and cooking oils to total 96 family members from 43 vulnerable households of Thilawa SEZ Zone B phase 2, 3 and...