10th Thilawa Community Coordination (TCC) meeting was held at Myanmar-Japan Thilawa Development Office (MJTD) on 10th January 2020. Total 30 participants; officers from MJTD, village administrators, representatives from project affected persons (PAPs) and project affected communities (PACs), Thilawa SEZ Management Committee (TSMC) and JICA Expert Team attended the meeting. The objectives of the meeting are to review the development activities for PACs that have been done and planning by MJTD, to know the requests and complaints from SEZ surrounding communities. Firstly, MJTD gave an opening remark and shared the updated SEZ information which includes the implementation of Zone B, operations of factories and employments inside the SEZ. Continuously, Community Relation Officer reviewed the summary of CSR activities with the participants. After that, the following issues; developing the village access roads, upgrading the school buildings, safety around the SEZ, wastes dumping near the villages and promoting the local (PAPs and PACs) employment number inside the SEZ were raised and discussed.